Adiabatic theory of strong-field ionization of molecules including nuclear motion

Jens Svensmark

January 21, 2020

My background

Aarhus University


Kansas state university


University of Electro-communications (Tokyo)



Adiabatic theory

  • Previously been used for atoms
  • Here we look at molecules

Time scales

  • Laser
  • Motion inside molecule
  • Ratio is adiabatic parameter

Adiabatic approximation

  • Adiabatic parameter small
  • Laser field momentarily constant
  • Sequence of stationary Siegert states

Sequence of stationary states

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Sequence of stationary states

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Sequence of stationary states

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Sequence of stationary states

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Previous work

  • Looked at atoms/fixed nuclei
  • Electrons are fast
  • Laser is slow
  • How about nuclei?

PRA 86, 043417 (2012)

PRA 92, 043402 (2015)

PRL 116, 173001 (2016)

What we want to do

Extend adiabatic theory to molecules including nuclear motion

Numerical calculations

1D model

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Time-dependent Schrödinger equation

\begin{align} i\frac{\partial }{\partial t} \Psi(x,R,t) & = [H_0+F(t) x] \Psi(x,R,t) \end{align}
\begin{align} H_0 = -\frac{1}{2m}\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2}-\frac{1}{2\mu} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial R^2} + V(x;R)+U_\text{ion}(R) \end{align}

Numerical methods

Split step fourier method

Scattering states found using R-matrix propagation

Fixed nuclei example

Adiabatic theory (fixed nuclei)

\(\epsilon = \frac{T_\text{e}}{T_\text{f}} \to 0\)

Photo electron momentum distribution (PEMD)

\begin{align} P(k) & = \frac{2\pi}{\left| F(t_i) \right|} \left| f(F(t_i)) \right|^2 e^{- \int_{-\infty}^{t_i} \Gamma(F(t)) dt} \end{align}

\(k:\) Momentum of outgoing electron

\(t_i\) is time at which electron with momentum \(k\) ionized, \(k = -\int_{t_i}^{\infty} F(t')dt'\)


Adiabatic theory (fixed nuclei)

\(\epsilon = \frac{T_\text{e}}{T_\text{f}} \to 0\)

Photo electron momentum distribution (PEMD)

\begin{align} P(k) & = \frac{2\pi}{\left| F(t_i) \right|} \left| f(F(t_i)) \right|^2 e^{- \int_{-\infty}^{t_i} \Gamma(F(t)) dt} \end{align}

\(k:\) Momentum of outgoing electron

\(t_i\) is time at which electron with momentum \(k\) ionized, \(k = -\int_{t_i}^{\infty} F(t')dt'\)

\(f(F), \Gamma(F):\) Properties of Siegert state

Siegert state

Solution of time independent Schrödinger equation

\begin{align} [H_0 + Fx] \Phi(x, R; F) & = E(F) \Phi(x, R; F) \end{align}

with outgoing-wave boundary conditions.

Outgoing wave

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Outgoing wave

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Outgoing wave

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Adiabatic theory (fixed nuclei)

Photo electron momentum distribution (PEMD)

\begin{align} P(k) & = \frac{2\pi}{\left| F(t_i) \right|} \left| f(F(t_i)) \right|^2 e^{- \int_{-\infty}^{t_i} \Gamma(F(t)) dt} \end{align}

\(k:\) Momentum of outgoing electron

\(t_i\) is time at which electron with momentum \(k\) ionized, \(k = -\int_{t_i}^{\infty} F(t')dt'\)

\(f(F):\) Asymptotic wave function coefficient

\(\Gamma(F):\) Total rate

Weak field limit

For \(F\to 0\) adiabatic theory reduces to Keldysh theory

Nuclear-electron interaction

\begin{align} V(x; R) = V\left(x+\frac{1}{2}R\right) + V\left(x-\frac{1}{2}R\right) \end{align}

Finite range potential

\begin{align} V(x)&=-\frac{a}{\cosh^2(bx)}, \end{align}

with \(a = 0.62772\) and \(b = 0.857\).

Gaussian half-cycle pulse

\begin{align} F(t) & = F_0\exp\left(-\left[\frac{2t}{T}\right]^2\right) \end{align}

TDSE solution

Convergence to adiabatic theory

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Convergence to adiabatic theory

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Convergence to adiabatic theory

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Including nuclear motion

Nuclear-nuclear interaction

H\(_2^+\) like interaction

\begin{align} U_\text{ion}(R) & = \frac{A}{R^2} + B + C R^2 \end{align}

with \(A=0.26, B =-0.732635\) and \(C =0.01625\)

\(R\) is the internuclear seperation

Vibrational states, molecular ion

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\begin{align*} \left[-\frac{1}{2\mu} \frac{d^2}{dR^2} + U_\text{ion}(R)\right] \chi_v(R) = \varepsilon_v \chi_v(R) \end{align*}

Adiabatic theory

\(\epsilon_\text{f} = \max\left(\frac{T_\text{e}}{T_\text{f}}, \frac{T_\text{n}}{T_\text{f}}\right) \to 0\)

PEMD (for half-cycle pulse)

\begin{align*} P_v(k) & = \frac{2\pi}{m^2} \frac{|f_{v}(F(t_i))|^2}{ |F(t_i)|} e^{-\int_{-\infty}^{t_i} \Gamma(F(t')) dt'} \end{align*}

Total PEMD

\begin{align*} P(k) = \sum_v P_v(k) \end{align*}

Siegert state (real part)


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Slow nuclei and field (AAnf)


\(\epsilon_\text{nf} = \max\left(\frac{T_\text{e}}{T_\text{f}}, \frac{T_\text{e}}{T_\text{n}}\right) \to 0\)

Born-Oppenheimer ansatz

\begin{align*} \Psi_{\text{BO}}(x,R,t) = \Psi(R, t)\psi_e(x;R,F(t)) \end{align*}

Electronic Siegert state \(\psi_e(x;R,F(t))\)

\begin{align*} \left[H_x(F) - E_e(R,F)\right] \psi_e(x;R,F) = 0 \end{align*}


\(H_x(F) = -\frac{1}{2}\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2} + Fx + V\left(x; R\right)\)


Born-Oppenheimer ansatz

\begin{align*} \Psi_{\text{BO}}(x,R,t) = \Psi(R, t)\psi_e(x;R,F(t)) \end{align*}

Nuclear wavefunction fulfills

\begin{align*} i\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\Psi(R, t) & = \left[-\frac{1}{2\mu} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial R^2} + E_e(R,F(t))\right] \Psi(R, t) \end{align*}

Nuclear time evolution


\begin{align*} P_v^{\text{AAnf}}(k) & = \frac{2\pi }{|F(t_i)|} \left| g_v(t_i) \right|^2 \\ \end{align*}
\begin{align*} g_v(t) = \int_0^\infty \chi_v (R) f(R,F(t)) \Psi(R,t) dR, \end{align*}
\begin{align*} \psi_e(x;R,F)|_{|x|\to \infty} = f(R,F) f(x,E_e(R,F),F) \end{align*}

Build the PEMD


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Regions of applicability


\begin{align*} \epsilon_\text{f} = \max\left(\frac{T_\text{e}}{T_\text{f}}, \frac{T_\text{n}}{T_\text{f}}\right) \to 0 \end{align*}


\begin{align*} \epsilon_\text{nf} = \max\left(\frac{T_\text{e}}{T_\text{f}}, \frac{T_\text{e}}{T_\text{n}}\right) \to 0 \end{align*}

Regions of applicability

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Small nuclear masses

\(T=30\) a.u.

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Small nuclear masses

\(T=150\) a.u.

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Few-cycle pulse


\begin{align*} P_v^{\text{AAnf}}(k) & = \left|\sum_i \frac{\sqrt{2\pi} e^{i\pi/4} }{\sqrt{s_i F(t_i)}} e^{i\mathcal{S}_a(t_i,v; k)} g_v(t_i) \right|^2 \end{align*}

Build the PEMD


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Closer look at the nuclear wave function

Nuclear time evolution

Classical trajectory

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Classical trajectory

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Many-cycle pulse

How much time does TDSE take?

How much time does TDSE take?


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Many-cycle model

\begin{align} F(t) = F_0 \cos \omega t \end{align}
\begin{align} P_{v}^{\text{AAnf}}(k) \propto % 2\pi \frac{\left|\tilde{g}_{v}(t_{(0, 1)})\right|^2}{\left|F(t_{(0, 1)})\right|} \left|p^{\text{inter}}(k)\right|^2 \left|p^{\text{intra}}(k)\right|^2 \end{align}

Similar to SFA based model in PRA 93, 031401

Inter-cycle factor

\begin{align} \left|p^{\text{inter}}(k)\right|^2 = e^{-c(k)} \left|\frac{\sin^2 [N d(k)]}{\sin^2 d(k)}\right| \end{align}
\begin{align} d(k) & = \pi \omega^{-1} \Delta E(k) \color{gray} { + \frac{1}{2}s_0^{\text{cycle}}}\\ \Delta E(k) & = E_0^{\text{BO}}-\varepsilon_v - \frac{1}{2 m} k^2 - U_p \end{align}

Ponderomotive energy: \(U_p = \frac{F_0^2}{4m\omega^2}\)



Intra-cycle factor

\begin{align} p^{\text{intra}}(k) = 2 \cos \frac{\Delta\mathcal{S}_a(k)}{2} \end{align}
\begin{align} \Delta \mathcal{S}_a(k) = & - \omega^{-1} \Delta E(k) \left[-2\sin^{-1} \frac{k\omega}{F_0}+\text{sgn}(k) \pi\right] \\ & - \frac{3}{2}k \frac{F_0}{m\omega^2} \sqrt{1 - \left(\frac{k\omega}{F_0}\right)^2}- \Delta s_0 \end{align}






  • Goal: Extend adiabatic theory
  • AAf only works for small nuclear masses in slow fields
  • AAnf works for large nuclear masses in slow fields
  • Possible next: include rescattering
  • Possible next: include dissociation

Deleted scenes


Breakdown of BOA

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What we want to look at

  • BOA breaks down in weak-field limit for total rate
  • WFAT gives total rate
  • Adiabatic theory gives differential quantities
  • Differential quantities might show other BO-breakdowns

Numerical calculations

Time-independent Schrödinger equation

Scattering boundary conditions

\begin{align} H_0 \Psi(x,R) & = E \Psi(x,R) \end{align}

Boundary conditions

\begin{align} \Psi_-^{\text{out}}(x,k) & = \begin{cases} e^{-ikx} - r^* e^{ikx} & x\leq x_-\\ t^* e^{-ikx} & x\geq x_+ \end{cases} \end{align}

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Scattering solution method

  • R-matrix propagation in \(x\)
  • Adiabatic basis in \(R\) for fixed \(x\)
  • Sectorized legendre DVR in \(x\)
  • Sine-DVR in \(R\)

Different grids

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One cycle pulse


\begin{align*} P_v^{\text{AAnf}}(k) & = \left|\sum_i \frac{\sqrt{2\pi} e^{i\pi/4} }{\sqrt{s_i qF(t_i)}} e^{i\mathcal{S}_a(t_i,v; k)} R_v(t_i) \right|^2 \end{align*}

Build the PEMD

\begin{align*} P_v^{\text{AAnf}}(k) & = \left|\sum_i \frac{\sqrt{2\pi} e^{i\pi/4} }{\sqrt{s_i F(t_i)}} e^{i\mathcal{S}_a(t_i,v; k)} R_v(t_i) \right|^2 \end{align*}

Full wavefunction evolution


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PEMD zoom