09:00−09:15 はじめに
09:15−10:00 Yueming Zhou
(電気通信大学) Hyperspherical approach to very
low-energy collision of Coulombic three-body systems
10:00−10:30 休 憩
10:30−11:15 Zhang Pengju
(理化学研究所) High energy tunneled electron in
circularly polarized intense laser field
11:15−12:00 伏谷瑞穂 (名古屋大学)
Ultrafast Two-Photon Rabi Oscillation in Femtosecond Intense Laser
12:00−14:00 昼 食
14:00−15:45 黄 緒明 (電気通信大学)
Two-photon break up of collinear Coulomb three-body systems by
ultrashort intense laser pulses
15:45−16:00 久間 晋 (理化学研究所)
Ultrafast superradiant decays in He atoms excited by SCSS EUV free
electron laser
16:00−16:30 休 憩
16:30−17:15 松田晃孝 (名古屋大学)
Recollision-induced multiple ionization of CS2 in few-cycle intense
laser fields
17:15−18:00 大海 真貴 (電気通信大学)
Tunneling ionization of atoms by circularly polarized laser pulses
09:00−10:00 東 俊行 (理化学研究所) What
is the origin of high-energy photoelectron emission for heavy rare
gas atoms induced by circulary-polarized intense laser fields
10:00−11:00 森下 亨 (電気通信大学)
Adiabatic theory of ionization by intense laser pulses