Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Seminar/Attosecond Quantum Dynamics Seminar

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Date & Time   : Dec 22, 2023, 10:30-11:30
Place             : Bldg. E6-803

Speaker         : Ms Hsiao I-Yun(åJˆí勻),  National Yang-Ming Chaio-Tung University, Taiwan
Title              : Numerical Study on Quantum Controllability
Abstract          : Quantum controllability refers to the possibility or difficulty of a quantum process to be achieved. It includes how much energy or control time is needed for a quantum transition induced by an external field. Recently, we proposed a numerical approach utilizing quantum optimal control theory (QOCT) to discuss controllability problem. We found that controllability can be graphically represented by two types of plots: the probability-energy (P-E) plot and the energy-control time (E-T) plot. These plots offer crucial information, including the limitation of the shortest control time for a given fidelity. In this talk, I will explain the basic idea of our method and demonstrate the advantages of our approach with some illustrative cases.

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Toru Morishita,UEC